At the Qima Foundation, we are driven by an unwavering mission:
To empower coffee farming communities worldwide, catalysing a transformative journey towards unparalleled prosperity and sustainable growth in agricultural value chains.
We lead by example. Our projects are designed to uplift and enrich the lives of farmers, while fostering innovation, economic independence, and resilience. We dedicate our efforts to enabling a future where every coffee farmer and stakeholder thrives, creating a ripple effect of positive impact that reverberates through generations to come.

The Foundation focuses on five programmatic themes
Building the Coffee Seed Sector
This programme theme involves the development, distribution and promotion of a strong seed sector that produces high-quality, reliable coffee seeds suited to both, the agro-climatic conditions of the coffee growing regions, and the market potential of the coffees. By partnering with research institutions and coffee experts, Qima Foundation seeks to improve the genetic diversity of coffee crops, enhance disease resistance, and increase overall productivity for coffee farmers.

Supporting Farmers with Profitable Coffee Cultivation
Under this programme theme, Qima Foundation provides comprehensive support to coffee farmers with the goal of making coffee cultivation a profitable and viable livelihood. Through a range of capacity-building initiatives, the Foundation offers training in modern farming techniques, best agricultural practices, and efficient resource management. We also provide access to financial literacy and marketing opportunities, empowering farmers to make informed decisions, maximise yields, reduce production costs, and augment their income from coffee farming.

Coffee Value Chain Development from Farm to Market
This program theme encompasses a series of initiatives that support the construction of coffee cultivation infrastructure, post-harvest processing capacities, value addition through traceability and transparency, and quality control measures. By forging robust linkages between coffee producers, processors, exporters, and buyers, the Foundation seeks to facilitate fair market access, advocate for transparent pricing, and secure premium markets for coffee producers.

Enhancing Food Security in Rural Communities
At Qima Foundation, we understand the criticality and centrality of food security for the well-being of coffee farming communities. Under this focus area, the Foundation implements initiatives that promote sustainable agricultural practices, crop diversification, and food processing. By integrating agroforestry, intercropping, and other climate-smart approaches, the Foundation is committed to improving overall food production, nutritional diversity, and the resilience of rural communities against food crises.

Driving Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Value Chains
Self-sufficiency for the coffee farming community will be key in the future we envision at Qima Foundation. To that end, this programme theme focuses on nurturing entrepreneurship within agricultural value chains, with a special focus on coffee farmers and related enterprises.By actively promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the coffee sector, the foundation aims to create sustainable and diversified income opportunities for farmers, processors, and other stakeholders.To drive this economic growth and rural development, the Foundation provides training in business management, market research, and value addition.